Thank you for taking the time to get to know some God’s Girls with me. We’ve met Tamar and Rahab so far. Today we meet Ruth.
I love a good love story. The book of Ruth is a classic wrapped up in just 87 verses.
As I was thinking again about this living bravely series and reading Ruth, one word kept getting in my way. Honor.
Honor is defined as showing high respect, esteem, great regard, reverence, to bow oneself down
From Ruth I’ve learned a few things…
Honor is an action. Ruth chose to stay with and care for her mother-in-law, Naomi, when it would have been easier to leave.
Honor is risky. Ruth respecting Boaz and his people not knowing what their reaction would be was risky and honorable at the same time.
Honor has nothing to do with the word deserve. I’m taking some biblical license here, but I don’t think Ruth thought she deserved the love of Boaz and his provision for Naomi.
It often seems easier to give honor to someone when we think they’ve done something to earn it. But that’s not what God says:
Love each other with genuine affection and take great delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:20
Daily I need to choose to show honor:
to my guy when I’d rather be demanding
to my girls when I’m ready to react with some volume
to my friends when my feelings have been hurt
even to the checkout guy at Target who isn’t the best bagger and I’m so wanting to tell him so
Is there an area where honor is a challenge for you?
Ruth is one brave woman in my eyes. I’m grateful for all 87 verses.
If you’d like to read more about Ruth’s story, Liz Curtis Higgs wrote an excellent book all about her. It’s The Girl’s Still Got It. It’s worth your time. I promise.
Today is day 25 of the 31 days of Living Bravely series. Just click here to start at the beginning.