If my Google reader is any indication, I’m a blog lover. Major blog lover. From blog writers I have been encouraged, challenged, frustrated, brought to tears, led to laugh, and encouraged some more. I read way more than I comment. Trying to be better at that. But there is one thing I haven’t done and that is publish my own blog post. That is, until now.
What’s taken me so long? Good question. I could write a laundry list of reasons (aka excuses), but it really comes down to one thing. Fear. Fear of what? Well, there’s a laundry list! You don’t really want to see it, do you? You can just imagine it, can’t you? Maybe you even have a laundry list of your own.
The bottom line is that God has been setting this before me for a long, long while. And for a long, long while, I’ve said no. Not wise.
Let’s just say I’m grateful for forgiveness and for second chances times lots.
May God us this place of words to encourage you to go deeper with Him. That together we would say no to fear and yes to Jesus again and again and again. I’m learning it takes lots of practice. I hope you’ll join me.
Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but you’re holding back? I’d love to pray for you.
Until next time,
If my Google reader is any indication, I’m a blog lover. Major blog lover. From blog writers I have been encouraged, challenged, frustrated, brought to tears, led to laugh, and encouraged some more. I read way more than I comment. Trying to be better at that. But there is one thing I haven’t done and that is publish my own blog post. That is, until now.
What’s taken me so long? Good question. I could write a laundry list of reasons (aka excuses), but it really comes down to one thing. Fear. Fear of what? Well, there’s a laundry list! You don’t really want to see it, do you? You can just imagine it, can’t you? Maybe you even have a laundry list of your own.
The bottom line is that God has been setting this before me for a long, long while. And for a long, long while, I’ve said no. Not wise.
Let’s just say I’m grateful for forgiveness and for second chances times lots.
May God us this place of words to encourage us to go deeper with Him. That together we would say no to fear and yes to Jesus again and again and again. I’m learning it takes lots of practice. I hope you’ll join me.
Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but you’re holding back? I’d love to pray for you.
Until next time,

Hey Deb – so proud of you! You tackled the laundry list and won! Can’t wait to read your posts!
I can so relate to this! I argued with God (or perhaps ignored is a better word) for months before I started a blog. I was afraid of so many things, but they were all rooted in insecurity. What would people think of me? What if I wrote the wrong thing? What if I got too personal and everyone figured out I’m weak and flawed and broken? Finally, I realized that’s exactly what God wanted people to figure out. I am weak. I am flawed. I am broken. But I am also loved, I am healed, and I am redeemed. That is the story He wants me to tell. It is for His glory that we step out in obedience!
I am so excited for your posts to come.