Saying good bye is hard. But in that hard good bye is also the opportunity to remember. I’ve been doing some remembering about a friend I consider dear. Yet a friend I’ve met only online. I think it was Angie Smith’s blog where I first heard about Sara, aka Gitzen Girl. Her story was compelling. Her words authentic. Her life vivid.
As Sara has lived with her chronic illness (you must read her story), she taught me valuable lessons on how to live with mine. And soon Sara will be seeing Jesus. Very soon.
Here are few Sara quotes that have challenged me, changed me, called me to be more like Jesus:
Are you living your life fighting for what your mind wants, or are you trusting and being open to the things that He may be putting in front of you?
The beautiful truth is taht being homebound isn’t limiting my life. It’s just limiting my location.
I had to choose fear – or completely Trust Him – one cannot exist if the other is true.
Sara helped me choose my one word for 2011:
It’s the opposite of hiding. It’s been a life-changing word for me this year.
I wonder if Sara has any idea, really, how her life, her words, her bravery to share both have touched the lives of so many? Soon she will know.
I haven’t been the only Brown girl engaged in Sara’s life. Thanks to her Tuesday’s Project Life posts, my girls have come to know her and love her, too. Oftentimes more interested in Riley’s (Sara’s dog) happenings. Sorry, Sara, but your Riley is a charmer. They love sweet Riley.
Earlier this summer while traveling from Minnesota to Iowa for a family visit, we drove through Sara’s lovely city. I couldn’t help but think of her and pray and smile. At that same time, my youngest daughter yelled out in a most excited voice, “Mom! This is where Riley lives!” Lots more smiles.
I keep thinking of the words to song I read at my Grandmother’s funeral. There’s this line that will not leave me…
Finally Home
But just think of stepping on shore and finding it heaven
Of touching a hand and finding it God’s
Of breathing new air and finding it celestial
Of waking up in glory and finding it home
Thank you, Sara, for everthing…and welcome home.
Sara has touched countless lives. Many, like me, are linking up their Sara stories here. My only advice is to read with kleenex at the ready and an open, grateful heart.

Thanks for doing this, Deb. Is this one not a shining example of how God crafted His plan to play out through people all tangled up with each other?
Hi Deb. I found your blog at incourage community…
I never personally met Sara, but her life, faith and attitude toward both inspired me – The beauty of online blogging community finding sisters that although our paths may never cross here, we will meet with love and hugs on the other side of eternity.
So, I thought I would take the time to say Hi, I am folllwing you on twitter, follow back so we can stay in touch.
Blessings – Danise Jurado