It’s been fun reading about some amazing dreams that God has birthed in some amazing women’s hearts. You can read about them here.
This week’s challenge was to take a small step toward our God-sized dream. Just one, small step. In fact, Holley said we’d get extra credit if it was “simple, small, and takes just a few minutes.” I’m all about extra credit. But what could I do? The steps getting to my dream seem more gargantuan than small.
That’s when I felt the God nudge to listen. You know the one. I turned my list over and tried hard to listen. “You need help.” Well, of course, I need help! Look at all I have to do! But this time, quieter, slower, “Deb, you need help. I want you to ask for help.”
Ask? Ask for help? Really, God? Really. You see, I don’t like asking. I don’t like needing. I like to do things All. By. My. Self. (said with a two year old stomp at the end.) The stomp is so effective.
The nudge wouldn’t leave. So I took the number one thing on my gargantuan list – need to learn more about WordPress – and asked God for help. Immediately He brought someone to mind. Immediately. No hesitation. Oh, the frustration there has been intense. I’ve let it keep me in a stuck place for a long time.
God was just waiting for me to ask for help – to invite Him deeper into the fulfillment of His dream for me. He has/had no intention of me doing the thing alone. Do you need to read that sentence again? It’s taken me a long while to get that. I’m getting that now.
So I contacted my friend, Lyla. She’s brilliant. She’s wise. She thinks WordPress is fun. She said, “Let me know how I can help you and your dream!” And she is. All I had to do was ask.
When you look at your God-sized dream, where do you need help? It’s a brave step to ask for help, but the clarity and courage it brings as you take it, is worth it. It really is. Trust me on that one.
If you need help on knowing where to begin, Holley’s The “Do What You Can” Plan: 21 Days to Making Any Area of Your Life Better is a great place to start.
If you need some WordPress help like me, my friend, Lyla, is your girl.
I’d love to hear about your small step. I’ll be praying for you, too.

I dunno if I followed the rules, but I love hearing about your dream. God is so good!
Asking for help is hard enough but asking for help on a God-sized dream is even harder. I have been reluctant to ask for help because the dream seems so big that I am afraid others will not understand why I think I could achieve it. Thanks for the encouragement I needed to step out and ask for help.