Day 1
Welcome! For the month of October I’m linking up with The Nester for a series of 31 posts on one topic for 31 days. Yes, me, who is a random blogger at best is joining in with I don’t even know who many other bloggers from all over the world. You really need to check it out…just click here.
I hope you’ll join me this month in discovering how to live bravely. It’s a daily pursuit. One where we’re braver when we do it together.
Over the next 31 days we’ll learn what brave is and what it’s not. We’ll practice living bravely in several areas of our lives. Some days there will be short posts. Some days quotes of inspiration. And maybe some days where you share with us how you do living bravely. Those will be the sweetest days of the month.
To be honest, I’m not feeling very brave. 31 days is a lot of blogging. Blogging is something I can let terrify me. But in the midst of all those waves of fear – let’s just call it what it is – is an overwhelming sense of excitement. I’m choosing to go with excitement. You, too?
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back often. Let’s be brave girls together.
Day 1 31 Days to Living Bravely (this post!)
Day 2 What Brave is Not
Day 3 That First Brave Step
Day 4 Sometimes It’s All In A Song
Day 5 Some Saturday Inspiration
Day 6 Sunday Reflection
Day 7 Loving Ourselves Brave
Day 8 When It Starts With Finish
Day 9 Loving Bravely
Day 10 & 11 – technical difficulties…thank you for grace
Day 12 Saturday Reflection
Day 13 Sunday Inspiration
Day 14 Brave Like A Mom
Day 15 Living Bravely is Messy
Day 16 What Half Way Has Taught Me
Day 17 A Celebration of Living
Day 18 Habit of Surrender
Day 19 Saturday Inspiration
Day 20 Sunday Reflection
Day 21 Bravery After A Wounding
Day 22 Where Are The Brave Girls?
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31

I love this idea, looking forward to checking in and seeing what God is teaching you!
Thanks, Heather! We’ll be learning together. 🙂
Go get ’em, Deb. 🙂
So good to see you doing this Deb!! I’ve done it (the 31 day thing) twice and it was challenging, growing, hard and good!! Good will use it to speak through you, but more importantly to you!! Looking forward to what He has to say!!