The room filled with smiles. Happiness was everywhere. What a great way to spend a fall Saturday afternoon. It was my brother’s wedding day.
He walked in proud with his children. As they turned to watch his bride and her daughter enter the room, I saw it. His eyes no longer held the pain of a deep wounding. Those eyes were now filled with a peaceful contentment.
As the ceremony continued, I thought about what it takes to go from a deep wounding to a peaceful contentment. All I could come up with was one word…bravery.
When a relationship takes a turn that takes our breath away and plunges us into deep sorrow, it requires great bravery to begin the climb out of that pit.
Bravery to walk through the pain.
Bravery to begin to dream again.
Bravery to put yourself out there.
Bravery to commit your heart to another.
Bravery to say, “I do.”
I may be the oldest of my siblings, but on Saturday I learned a huge lesson from my little brother. You see, woundings happen in friendships too. I’m healing from one right now. I’m learning to walk through the pain, but not before realizing I had lived in the pain far too long.
What a huge lesson for me. Maybe for you too.
Watching my brother live and love on the other side of that pain was a sweet, sweet gift. To all of us.
Today is day 21 of 31 days of Living Bravely. Click here for the any missed posts.