Have you thought about Tamar a little differently? Me, too. Now I get to introduce you to the next God’s girl listed in the lineage of Christ. Her name is Rahab.
Rahab takes us to the book of Joshua. She enters the story in chapter two, but I just have to back up to chapter one. Four times in this chapter are the words strong and courageous. These words are a matched set throughout Scripture and are always followed by a challenge and a promise.
Strong is defined as resolute, prevail, and press on. Brave, bold, and determined define courageous.
But glory hallelujah we never have to do strong and courageous alone…
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
My challenge for you is to visit Blue Letter Bible or Bible Gateway and do a strong and courageous word search. Powerful verses. Powerful truth. You’ll be so glad you took the time
Back to Rahab! We meet her in Joshua 2:1. My Life Application Study Bible note says this about her. “Rahab didn’t allow her past to keep her from the new role God had for her.” And that is some powerful truth for all of us. We can often use our past as an excuse to keep us from moving forward.
For the next three plus chapters there is not a mention of Rahab. I think she was in a waiting season just like Tamar. Rahab and her family were tightly enclosed within the walls of Jericho waiting. They were waiting for the battle to begin and waiting for their promised rescue. Rahab teaches us that it even takes courage to be rescued.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Ps 27:14
Rahab makes an appearance in the New Testament too. Yes, in Matthew 1, but also in Hebrews 11. She’s one of two women listed in this Hall of Faith chapter. Remember an earlier quote, “Rahab didn’t allow her past to keep her from the new role God had for her.”? God remembered Rahab because of her faith, not her profession. God remembers us the same way.
Living out God’s calling; living out an act of courage often means a move out of our comfort zone. It sure did for Rahab.
When God moves us out of our comfort zone into places that are way bigger than us, places that are difficult, hard, painful – this is a gift. We are being given a gift. These hard places give us the gift of intimately knowing God in ways that would never be possible in our comfort zones. Ann Voskamp
Rahab lived out a life of courage. Her bravery and obedience are a gift to us to do the same.
Do you need to take a step of courage today? I would be my honor to pray for you.
Today is day 24 of 31 days of Living Bravely. To read the series, just click here.