Dear friend,
Today. Right now. Just are you are. You are beautiful.
It’s funny, but I can just hear your thoughts frantically tumbling around in your sweet head. Those thoughts that are fighting so very hard to deny that truth. The truth that you are beautiful. I know because that same battle goes on in my head and heart.
The words we hear, the words we tell ourselves give definition to beautiful.
I’m the oldest of four. More than anything my Dad wanted a firstborn son. I wasn’t him. His words settled deep in my young heart…”If you had to be girl, at least you could have been pretty.” Until the day he left our family, he showed me verbally and physically I was not what he wanted.
Maybe the longing underneath you are beautiful is You. Are. Wanted. That shift in my thinking has brought clarity, freedom, and some much needed healing.
God says…
You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you. Is 43:4
The LORD your God has made you beautiful. Is 60:9
You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD. Is 62:3
God thinks about you all the time…
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me! Ps 139:17-18
You are beautiful. You are wanted. Just as you are. On the days you feel like it, and especially on the days you don’t.
Dear friend, I challenge you today to start believing these verses are true about you. What lie(s) are you going to get rid of in order to believe and live like a beautiful, wanted woman of God?
Today I’m joining Holley Gerth’s Coffee For Your Heart. It’s a place of some sweet encouragement. Come and visit.

Thanks for the post today. As I have been going through ‘those battles in my head’ . long days and short nights catch up to me and those old habit thoughts are ready to attack. I like that-Shift my thinking.
Thank you, Nina! Praying for you now.
“Especially on the days you don’t” As women, we often have more “don’t days” than “do days”, that’s when it’s so important to rely on truth and not feelings. I am so thankful for scriptural truth like these you included in this post.
Beautifully written. We should all be that real with ourselves and extend ourselves the grace you demonstrated in these words.
Amy, thank you so much! You are right…extending ourselves grace is a wonderful beginning.