Hi friends! As I write, it’s Tuesday night. The packing and to do lists have more checked off items than they did this morning and that makes my heart so happy. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love that presents aren’t involved. I love that the focus is on people. And food. And football. It’s a perfect combination for me.
On this week’s #mondaymoment I talked about the sacrifice of thanksgiving. There are some tender truths in Psalm 50.
I’m still pondering those verses. I would love to know your favorite Thanksgiving tradition or food or that person you are most thankful for. Please know that I’m thankful for you! 😊
Those were my holiday thoughts. Now it’s time for the brave girl gift.
My love language is gift giving. I know it’s not an “official” love language, but it’s mine. So can you imagine what I’m like when planning for Christmas? Yep. I need to exercise MUCH self -control.
I was never one to get up in the middle of the night and go shopping on Black Friday. That is way too overwhelming for this introvert girl. But I do love to grab a deal online when I can find one. I think I have a fun Christmas gift giving idea for you.
Today through Monday night at 11:00 pm (CST), when you buy Brave as a Girl Can Be on Amazon, you’ll receive a brave necklace for free – from me to you. It’s a beautiful necklace made by my daughter and me for my speaking events. I love seeing pictures of women wearing their brave. I’d love to see you wearing one too.
After you order Brave as a Girl Can Be, just send me an email at deb@debbrown.org. Write book in the subject line and include the order number along with your name and address in the email. I hope Brave as a Girl Can Be encourages you to take some brave steps as you head into the new year.