I knew since I was eight years old. I knew for certain that all I ever wanted to be was a mom. Oh, I knew that I would probably go to college, get a job, and get married. But none of those things held the passion of being a mom.
It was a long wait for m y dream to come true. But God in His wisdom and His perfect timing brought two precious girls to us through the gift of adoption. And showing off His deep sense of humor, God brought them to us within six months of each other.
Going from zero to two within a short amount of time was definitely a challenge. Yes, I had waited a long time for this dream to come true. At the same time, there were days I thought I was going to lose my mind! When some dear, well-meaning person would remind me how fleeting this season of life was, that these girls would only be little for a short time, I’d often think…yes, the years go by quickly. It’s just some days seem to take forever.
When the girls were little, I felt more physically exhausted. Now in their teens, I’m emotionally weary. Two girls entering the world of puberty plus one mama entering the world of menopause equals just one word…DRAMA! Lots and lots of drama.
I found myself really struggling in this season. I didn’t want to wish it away, but that’s what I was doing. I was also reacting instead of reaching out to them. My reacting often included harsh words with volume added in for extra measure. It was not pretty.
One morning after a not so good start to the school day, I knelt before their bedrooms and begged God to help me. I didn’t want it to be this way. I wept and prayed for a long time. In what felt like a whisper, Ephesians 4:29 graced my heart
When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need—words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you.
Stronger words. Words that encourage and build up. Words that do not tear down. Words that do good.
That verse has been foundational in my parenting. Are all my words that right kind of strong? No. But I hope my girls would say it’s getting better.
Each time we as moms choose strong words over harmful ones, it’s a brave choice…brave like a mom.
This is day 14 of 31 days of Living Bravely. The rest of the series can be found here.