This week Holley asked us to write a letter of encouragement to a fellow dreamer. Here’s mine…
To my Guy,
Make us ready. Those words. Those words formed a prayer that we prayed over and over and over again for many years. Lord, make us ready.
Ready for what, we weren’t sure. Maybe what we were really asking for was His dream for our lives. Lord, help us to dream.
And then it happened. You lost your job. To be honest, that’s not exactly what I was expecting. But it had to start there, didn’t it? Maybe beginning the adventure of a God-sized dream starts with loss. Maybe that’s how God makes room for the new thing.
That loss opened the doors to something I never imagined for you, for us. I probably wasn’t your biggest cheerleader in the beginning. I was scared to death! But you just kept walking through each open door. As scary and as crazy as it all was, each step, you kept faithfully putting one foot in front of the other.
I’m not sure you would say it was your dream, but God made it very clear it was His. And you followed.
Your obedience to serve the people of District 15 as their State Senator is a wonder to watch. I know it’s hard. The days are long. The issues facing our state are intense. It’s a challenge every day to be a bright light for Jesus in a very dark place. You do it well.
You are teaching our girls and me what it looks like to follow hard after God when the dream is not something you would have chosen for yourself. God chose it for you and you said YES.
All of your Brown girls are so very proud of you.
As we continue to daily pray those words still – make us ready – I promise to go with you wherever God’s dreams take you. I’m your girl.
Can you think of someone today who might need a little encouragement as they walk out God’s dream? Maybe a note, a call, a text? It will mean the world to them. I know it will.
To connect with other encouraging dreamers, just click here.

Thanks for sharing, Deb! It has been a joy to watch you all journey on this adventure with God! He is genius in how He works and moves and leads…and it is inspiring to see Dave do what God called him to do. Love you guys!
Jess, thank you for your support and continual encouragement!!
Great post Deb! I know you were encouraging Dave, but your words encouraged me as well! Thanks for sharing! Praying for you as you follow after God’s dream for your family and the one He has for you! May He encourage you today!!
Jill, thank you!! You are doing some dreaming of your own, dear friend. 🙂
Deb – Looking at the date of your post it would appear that I was a little late reading it but I assure you that your words of encouragement (I know they were meant for you hubby but they touched me) have come to me at God’s perfect timing. “Lord, make us ready.” is such a simple beautiful prayer and one I will be praying each morning. Thank you for sharing
Thanks, Amy! Please know that as you pray those four words of surrender, this MN girl will be praying, too!