I’m one of those first born, practical, to-do list girls. I have friends who are the big picture, visionary types. But not me. So when Holley Gerth started writing about dreams on her blog – and not just any dreams…God-sized dreams – well, I didn’t think it applied to a first born, practical, to-do list girl like me.
But I was wrong. Way wrong. Holley says this about God-sized dreams:
God-sized dreams aren’t really about size at all–they’re about embracing and pursuing the desires God has placed within your heart that perfectly fit who you are. God-sized dreams are part of your purpose and they lead to more joy, meaning, and hope in your life.
So it’s not about big. It’s about heart. And that started the process of asking God what His dream was for me.
It took some time before I realized the dream was actually something He’s been nudging me toward for awhile. But, honestly, I’ve been running scared from it for just as long. That’s another thing about God-sized dreams – they can only happen with His help, His power, His everything.
You see, I was only looking at my dream through my own strength. Nothing like opening the front door and asking fear to come in and stay a long while. My focus was on me and all that I’m not. What a perfect storm to kill any dream.
Sure wish I could say I’m over that, but I can say my focus is more clear. And I write those words with a most grateful heart.
My God-sized dream is to grow my speaking ministry to include a writing ministry. I love speaking words of encouragement into women’s lives. Now the challenge – the dream – is to write words of encouragement, too. I dream of getting my works in progress published. I dream of this little corner of the blog world to be a place for women to come and connect and click away more encouraged and loved than when they came. That is my God-sized dream.
Over the course of these next weeks, I’ll be sharing more of my journey with you. And if you want to read more God-sized dream stories, head over to Holley’s blog. In fact, why don’t you join us there? I/we would love to hear about your dream. Really, we would.
“God can do anything, you know- far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us…” -Ephesians 3:20-21
I’m praying for you as you dare to dream. It may seem risky and scary and overwhelming and oh, so not practical. But I’m learning that’s when the adventure begins.